【之餘設計 李宜家】悠悠暢悅然 閑散愜雅居

【之餘設計 李宜家】悠悠暢悅然 閑散愜雅居

OPEN Design 2024-04-24 10:37


設計概念 Design Concept


之餘設計 李宜家 設計總監 以中華文化為底蘊,善用台灣在地建材,進一步呈現現代時尚的混搭風格,並重新規劃格局,打造坐擁泡茶區、影音室與遊戲室的度假宅邸,讓興趣多元的業主盡情享受悠閒假期。

Resplendent marble furnishing perfectly setting off clutter-free linear features, and glittering embellishment enhances the splendid ambiance of the roomy home with warm lighting flowing. The elegant layout complements the captivating riverside scenery, spreading out a delicate and pleasant picture.

Accentuate profound Chinese culture via Taiwan building materials to reveal a perfect balance between tradition and modernity. Between design‘s design director Angela Lee reconfigures the interior pattern and artfully creates a tea-brewing nook and lounge rooms for the homeowner to perform diverse interests and spend his leisure time.

設計手法 Design Techniques

悠閒氛圍 機能多元
Unwinding and diverse vibe


It’s a weekend-only residence for the owner to enjoy his hobbies. Hence, we reconfigure the place into an oriental tea-brewing area, a home theater with high-quality equipment, and an excellent soundproofing game room. Skilfully altering the partition behind the dining area not only visually enlarges the shared area but also leaves space for sitting and gazing over the landscape. Moreover, peacefully arrange cozy window seats in the master bedroom for husband and wife to spend secluded time together.

特色混搭 多彩繽紛
Mix and match interior arrangements


Impressed by the owner’s glaze artworks and personal collections, we take Chinese culture as the basis of the design theme. And exploit Taiwan marble and timber adorned with titanium-plated brilliantly laid out the artistic atmosphere of cultural features and modern design. Delicately apply a blue-purple color palette on soft furnishing well complement the Hermès orange hue, adding a dash of color to the study and dining area. As for the home theater and game room, we meticulously set out a dark-blue soundproofing mat, which suits the viewing situation yet is not utterly gloomy. Emphasize the warm-brown arrangement of the master bedroom and boy’s bedroom, gently resulting in a composed and homey ambiance.

俐落線條 柔和金光
Simple linear features and mild sheen


Ingeniously adopted timber grid partition on the ceiling of the shared area does not merely serve as air vents; moreover, it brings a stunning focal point to the dwelling via warm lighting and glitter décor. Three design theme: linear features, mild sheen, and indirect lighting, is carried out to other placement. Such as the rich linear pattern of the foyer partition and the lighting above the dining table; the glistening texture of marble flooring; and the lighting installation of the home theater. Notwithstanding miscellaneous interior furnishing, the area is connected with each other through design coherence.

Entry Foyer


Artfully install two iron grid partitions among ceramic panels with stone grain to leave the private space, and visually expand the placement via asymmetric intervals within grids. We exploit the black marble with golden veins as foyer flooring to work in concert with the color scheme.

Living Room


The marble TV wall with unusual pattern inlay, perfectly set off the homeowner’s cherished speaker by virtue of remarkable segment and indirect illumination. The classy showcase embellished with titanium-plated hardware strikingly enhances the rich pattern of configuration. Instead of the expected arrangement of the square capacity, we meticulously install home furnishing in irregular structures as arc and curve features. To work in concert with the absolute black tinge of audiovisual equipment, delicately install an ebony coffee table with golden ornaments, revealing an elegant and composed ambiance.

Dining & Study Area


Arc pendant light with unclutters linear features dangling above the ornate sapphire-marble table, carefully coordinated with Prussian-blue and Turkish-blue dining chairs. For the adjacent study area, smoothly exploit armchairs of Hermès orange hue and saddle leather to enhance the cold-tone color with warm-tone contrasting. Gray-white marble artfully lay in the background, coupled with a black baking bookshelf and titanium-plated features, cleverly manifest the setting in an understated way and perform pure and concise scenes.



The dry kitchen lays out an enigmatic picture through black and white grain marble, marvelously fashioning the corner surrounded by a fine and stylish wine cellar. In the wet kitchen, peacefully adopt the black-tinge kitchen cupboard mounted with wooden veneers made of durable materials. Cleverly conceals the kitchenware to fulfill the practical purpose and storage. Additionally, utilize Silestone countertops and façade to bring about simplicity and cleanliness patterns.

Tea-brewing Area


To properly space out a tea-brewing area at an open floor plan, we exploit solid wood flooring and ceiling integrated with dark-and-light wood grain. The central leg of the tea table is made from a trunk found in the owner’s hometown. The growth ring can be observed clearly through the resin tabletop translucent, revealing an appealing and cozy perception.

Home Theater & Game Room


We skillfully install a soundproofing door for the home theater and game room with airtight sealing around it and a double-sided-and-layer soundproofing mat. Set out acoustic panels underneath the carpet withal to keep from deep humming vibration and successfully present a prime cinema for the owner. The lighting is agreeably designed with strip lights and concomitant recessed light, which can change the tone and mood in response to activities serving as reception, movie watching, music playing, and so forth.

Master Bedroom


We precisely align the beam with air conditioning to create a clean effect. Adopt the identical features of the setting, we furnish the wall pairing dark and light brown tinge. Delicately decorate cozy window seats with mounted reading lights and electric honeycomb blinds, allowing the homeowner to casually light the house and bring about a laid-back vibe.



We accurately measure a Pipe Configuration in advance to standardize the height of the ensuite with other places. Black-white bathroom settings reveal a cleared-off perception; additionally, install round mirrors décored with a metal frame to correspond to the golden-color scheme.

Second Bedroom


Accentuate the composed furniture for the bedroom, and add a flexible setting withal. Ingeniously conceals air vents in cornices and plainly furnishes the wall with indirect illumination. Bring a clutter-free and understated feeling visually with a warm-brown tone.


案名:悅閑居 Homey Lodge

OPEN Design動能開啟傳媒:http://www.openworld.tv/talk/

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